
Passionate about innovation and technology, here in our blog we cover news in the areas of BtoB acquisition and more specifically the use of your messaging and mailing tools.  

Drawing on our 10 years of experience in this field, we provide you with the results of our reflections and provide you with advice and proposals to put in place in order to improve your commercial performance.  

Our articles

Grow Your Business: The Ultimate Guide to Attracting New Customers

Soft skills and Hard skills

Why letting your prospects book a meeting directly in their email increases your conversion rate by up to 60%?

5 Productivity Tools to Improve Efficiency

What are the best ways to ensure my prospects/clients show up to our scheduled meeting?

Current Trends in the Tech Industry

Cybernews acknowledges Lodago as one of the best Zoho integrations

How can Email Firewalls and Bots affect your Email Marketing Campaign?

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